Surety's AbsoluteProof Provides Third-Party Proof of Content Security for Electronic Records in Microsoft SharePoint Platform
Surety, LLC, the leading provider of data integrity solutions, today announced the release of AbsoluteProof® for Microsoft SharePoint, a lightweight, automated software solution that Seals and authenticates records in Microsoft Windows® SharePoint Services and Microsoft Office SharePoint® Server. AbsoluteProof for Microsoft SharePoint provides third-party validation of the time, date and content integrity of an electronic record, enabling SharePoint users to prove the authenticity of their electronic records in order to legally defend their organization's intellectual property.
Using Surety's standards-based method of digital time-stamping, AbsoluteProof for Microsoft SharePoint automatically and seamlessly affixes a Surety Integrity Seal™ to records as they enter user-specified sites and document libraries within the SharePoint platform, providing users with long-lasting, objective proof of the time, date and content integrity of their electronic records. AbsoluteProof identifies records that have been altered at any stage in the business process, thus ensuring the regulatory and legal defensibility of electronic records within the SharePoint platform.
"There are more than 100 million SharePoint users residing in a wide range of organizations -- from small businesses to Fortune 500 corporations -- all looking to improve the way they share information and collaborate," said Tom Klaff, CEO of Surety, LLC.
"While collaboration and document management tools like SharePoint enable users to appreciate the benefits associated with electronic records management, they also bring forth a unique set of information security challenges. To protect trade secrets and other intellectual property, businesses must have the power to prove that their electronic records have never been manipulated, from the moment they were generated to the time they are challenged. Data integrity solutions like AbsoluteProof provide secure, independent proof of electronic content security, enabling SharePoint users to gain competitive advantages associated with electronic records while protecting themselves, their clients and their futures."
The combination of SharePoint and AbsoluteProof, gives users a powerful tool for effective electronic records management and retention. AbsoluteProof for Microsoft SharePoint is integrated into Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) and is compatible with Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS). AbsoluteProof validates the time and content integrity of records independent of the SharePoint platform, providing SharePoint users of all sizes with an enhanced level of data assurance and also enabling an organization's records to stand up to the most exacting legal or regulatory scrutiny.
AbsoluteProof for Microsoft SharePoint is just $25 per seat for unlimited use and is available immediately. One or two year licenses can be purchased online and a free 30-day trial is also available via Surety's Web site at