Leading experts on litigation readiness, IP protection, e-content management and data integrity solutions to discuss new federal rules governing electronic document storage and procedures
HERNDON, VA – April 10, 2007
Surety, LLC, the leading provider of data integrity solutions, today announced an April 16, 2007, Webinar entitled “All Discovery is Now E-Discovery: Policies, Procedures & Tools to Preserve the Integrity of your Electronic Documents.” During the virtual panel, leading experts on litigation readiness, Intellectual Property (IP) protection, e-content management and data integrity solutions will discuss the impact new federal rules governing electronic documents will have on an organization’s record-keeping systems, processes and strategies.
On December 1, 2006, electronic discovery-related amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure went into effect, making electronic discovery a standard part of federal legal proceedings. Under the amendments, information stored electronically is subject to the same rules of discovery as other evidence. Companies are now required to retain and produce a broader range of digital data than before, including flash drives, voicemail systems and instant message archives.
Yet according to leading analyst groups, most organizations are ill-prepared to meet the demands created by these changes. According to a November 2006, study by Deloitte Financial Advisory Services, nearly 70 percent of respondents indicated they require more training on their own corporate record retention policies and procedures.
William A. McComas, a partner in the business law department at Shapiro Sher Guinot and Sandler, will lead a discussion featuring the Hon. Paul Grimm, a United States Magistrate Judge sitting in the United States District Court for the District of Maryland; Liz Gasster, executive director of the Cyber Security Industry Alliance (CSIA); Michael H. Elliott, CEO of Atrium Research; Timothy Carroll, a shareholder at Vedder Price; Mike Bolte, program manager of email and litigation management solutions at Open Text Corporation; Ron Krasnow, senior vice president of intellectual property at Symyx Technologies, Inc.; and Tom Klaff, CEO of Surety, LLC. From the physical attestation of the record to transmittal and the underlying maintenance of the integrity of the data itself, corporations must learn how to mitigate the risk of doing business in the electronic world.
During the Webinar, the expert panel will:
- Provide an overview of the electronic discovery amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and talk about what the new amendments mean for all organizations, regardless of industry or size;
- Identify the steps organizations can take to protect and defend the integrity of electronic records; and
- Discuss the proper data integrity policies and procedures organizations should implement to mitigate risk and avoid potential fines, sanctions and damage to corporate reputation.